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12 New
New Messages:
David Miller
11:21 AM
Hey there! This new version of SB Admin is pretty awesome! These messages clip off when they reach the end of the box so they don't overflow over to the sides!
Jane Smith
11:21 AM
I was wondering if you could meet for an appointment at 3:00 instead of 4:00. Thanks!
John Doe
11:21 AM
I've sent the final files over to you for review. When you're able to sign off of them let me know and we can discuss distribution.
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6 New
New Alerts:
Status Update
11:21 AM
This is an automated server response message. All systems are online.
Status Update
11:21 AM
This is an automated server response message. All systems are online.
Status Update
11:21 AM
This is an automated server response message. All systems are online.
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Kho - Kế Hoạch Sản Xuất
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